Our Cookies Policy
WE VALUE YOUR PRIVACY. We use cookies to bring you the best experience and to improve the relevance of our communications with you. Your preferences matter to us, we will only use the data for which you give your consent.

For more information on our data policies, please visit our Privacy Policy.

This website uses different categories of cookies (subject to your consent when it is required) on your device to recognise your device's browser for as long as the cookie concerned is valid. The cookies policy applies to any product or service that links to this policy or incorporates it by reference.

The operator and controller of the website can be found in the Privacy Statement.

Please read this policy carefully before using this website. It explains how we use cookies and how you can manage them.

To go directly to the section to manage this website's cookies, click “Make your choice about cookies”.

The CNIL (French National Commission on Informatics and Liberty) defines a cookie as ‘a small text file left on your hard drive by the server of a site you visit. It contains certain data, including:

  • the name of the server that created it
  • very often a unique number as a user name
  • sometimes an expiry date


This information is stored on your computer as a simple text file to which a server has access in order to read and save information.
A cookie is always associated with a unique domain name (that of the server which left it) so that only a request from the same server can have access to it.’
Our site features a system of cookies. The user is therefore informed that cookies can be automatically installed on their internet browser when they visit the site.

Cookies are files sent to a user’s hard drive to make it easier for them to browse a site and for traffic statistics to be acquired or targeted advertising to be introduced based on the user’s browsing habits.

These cookies never contain personal data.

However, the user can block cookies by changing their browser settings.


Cookies used on our website are employed in different ways:

1. Anonymous cookies for analysing traffic and use of our online services

Cookies for statistics on browsing are used to measure our websites’ traffic (e.g. number of visits, average time users spend on the site, features on which they click, etc.). The purpose of these cookies is to improve our website constantly, to ensure that it best meets your requirements.

Cookies that analyse traffic remain strictly anonymous. They cannot be used to identify a visitor or collect their personal data such as their name or IP address.


2. Cookies for remembering sign-in information

On some of our websites you are required to enter information that identifies you so that you can sign in to certain accounts or enjoy access to some services . These websites use cookies that remember details for signing in to your account or for using a special service.


3. Third-party cookies (advertising)

Most of our web-based advertisements are displayed on sites not belonging to DS. There they are arrayed by third parties such as advertising agencies. These third parties use their own cookies to measure how many people have viewed or clicked on a given web banner. These cookies left by third parties depend on the cookies policy of the company who left them. DS Automobiles does not have the access rights to read or create these cookies.


4. Other third-party cookies

DS Automobiles UK uses other third-party cookies to analyse an internet user’s browsing habits on our sites to prompt the user to request, for example, a brochure or a test drive when appropriate. We or our IT service providers produce these cookies to measure traffic to our site’s different sections and content so that we can appraise use of these features and thereby organise them better. These cookies also detect any browsing problems and so serve to improve the user-friendliness of our services. These cookies only produce anonymous statistics on traffic and exclude any personal data. They are also used to personalise our sites based on anonymous data collected from our different web pages. The lifespan of these traffic-measuring cookies is no longer than 90 days.

5. Flash cookies

The site DSautomobiles.co.uk uses Adobe Flash Player to display some of our content. To improve user experience, ‘local shared object’ cookies are used to provide certain features. These flash cookies are not managed by your internet browser but by Adobe Flash Player. Adobe’s website explains how these cookies are used: http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/security.

Cookie From Cookie Name What we use them for






Unique serial number


Unique serial number, Creation timestamp, cookie version


Unique serial number, Creation timestamp, data partner's visitor id

The Ozone Project








Attribute specific conversion event(s) taking place on the advertisers page back to their network / ads that have been served by them on behalf of the advertiser.


Better understand user profiles to tailor ads to users & target ads to users with a similar profile


Attribute specific conversion event(s) taking place on the advertisers page back to their network / ads that have been served by them on behalf of the advertiser.





Cookie to show you more relevant ads.


consent persistant cookie






















For our optimisation team to know and drive towards performance

Segment Pixel - To segment the users


The icu cookie is used to select ads and limit the number of times a user sees a particular ad.


The usersync cookie contains data denoting whether a cookie ID is synced with our partners.


Conversion Pixels - To report on Conversions


This cookie contains a unique randomly-generated value that enables the Platform to distinguish browsers and devices.It is matched against information - such as advertising interest segments and histories of ads shown in the browser or device - provided by clients or other third parties and stored on the Platform.


Are used to link your activity across devices if you’ve previously signed in to your Google Account on another device.


Cookie to used for re-targeting and running personalised ads














For our optimisation team to know and drive towards performance

Segment Pixel - To segment the users


The icu cookie is used to select ads and limit the number of times a user sees a particular ad.


The usersync cookie contains data denoting whether a cookie ID is synced with our partners.


Conversion Pixels - To report on Conversions


This cookie contains a unique randomly-generated value that enables the Platform to distinguish browsers and devices.It is matched against information - such as advertising interest segments and histories of ads shown in the browser or device - provided by clients or other third parties and stored on the Platform.









































Used to record whether the person chose to remain logged in


Used in conjunction with the c_user cookie to authenticate your identity to Facebook


Used in conjunction with the xs cookie to authenticate your identity to Facebook


Used to authenticate your identity on Facebook's mobile website


Used to record that a device or browser logged in via Facebook platform


Used to enable device-based logins


Determines the login state of a person visiting accountkit.com


Authenticates logins using Account Kit


Optimizes recovery flow after failed login attempts


Stores an encryption key used to encrypt cookies


Indicates when HTTPS is needed to access FB servers


Used to indicate the last time a person entered his or her password


Identifies browsers for purposes of security and site integrity, including for account recovery, and identification of potentially compromised accounts.


Identifies browser for login authentication purposes


Facebook’s primary advertising cookie, used to deliver, measure, and improve the relevancy of ads.


Used to record advertising opt outs


Used to open a specific location in an advertiser's app upon installation


Records the age of Facebook javascript files


Used to optimize site performance for advertisers





User identification pixel

User identification pixel





The session identifying cookie. It also indicates if the visitor is new or existing


The visitor identifying cookie

Sophus AR_Sophus EDX Tracks and records a user as they move between different domains. Segments users for the purpose of understanding and targeting those that are not engaged. Determines the key performance indicators of the site and sets up profiles and advanced segments within it, so focus can be applied to those areas.
Psyma PIXEL - Psyma -  psyma_participation

The cookie prevents multiple survey invitations

within 30 days.  Psyma Privacy Policy


_pk_uid (Third party persistent)





_pk_id.{variable id} or _tq_id.{variable id} (First party persistent)


_pk_ses (First party session)

Cookie which allows the Innovid collector to identify individual users, in order to establish lag between response activities and to confirm continuity of campaigns being responded to.


Aids reporting of site visits and actions for analytical reporting to Innovid.



Used to confirm an individual user in relation to an individual session, i.e. how long the user is on the website.


Cookies are left in a special folder on your computer according to the web pages you have visited. They are capable of remembering:

  • The web pages you have visited recently
  • The products in which you are interested
  • The computer terminal settings (language, country, operating system, browser, etc.) to optimise display next time you visit our sites


DS Automobiles targeted advertising:

The service CentralTag has been appointed by DS Automobiles for internet users to receive targeted advertisements based on their most recent browsing trends (for example, an interest shown in a vehicle while browsing the DS Automobiles sites.

Given that CentralTag is a member of the NAI (Network Advertising Initiative), you can also unsubscribe at http://www.networkadvertising.org/

If you would like our site to no longer collect Krux third-party cookies you can deactivate these cookies at www.youronlinechoices.com

Visit www.youronlinechoices.com  to learn more about online behavioural advertising and blocking options related to other companies that are members of the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau).

If an internet user leaves the programme, will that user still receive advertisements?

Yes, it is possible that advertisements will continue to appear, although they will no longer be based on the user’s interests.